Good drawing as usual!
Are you French or what? You seem very inspired by French history ^^
Good drawing as usual!
Are you French or what? You seem very inspired by French history ^^
No, I am not, though a portion of my ancestory does originate from France, I live in the United States. Really, I am inspired by history from all over the world. I am glad you like my artwork.
Let's go, good and gore artwork :D
maybe it would have been necessary to spend more time on the tweaking, finally good I like it a lot all the same
thank you so much for the feedback 🧡!! I'm working on finalizing the drawing better, with time it will end up more and more refined ^-^ I hope
Wow :0
your work is way too underrated
Go on, you are a very good artist.
And I love this little touch of pink on the white which contrasts with the deep black of the work.
Love this style
Been wanting to do more with the traditional mediums I have. Glad to hear you liked it!
Damn, that's insane
Very good work
Thank you!
Damn, it makes me so hungry
This need to be frontpaged !
Aye thanks dude !!
You color so well
Your art style is amazing
And this kiss is fucking cute
Incredible artist !
Thank you so much for the compliments!! I appreciate them so much! I am very glad you enjoy my work!
I love the original monsters, and you draw them so well, Your art is a awesome !
Thanks! I took a look at your art as well, Reminds me a lot of when I started getting "serious". Can't wait to see what you make next.
Tentative réussit ! :D
Merci beaucoup :D
I really like it, I feel like the characters are relaxed.
Where can I read your story ? I am interested
Actually, that is a story I have been trying to put together for a while. I have made attempts in the past. I plan to create a book in the future. Until then, I have some more pictures of Cricket I can upload. I am glad you like it.
Esclave de mon désir de liberté.
Age 18, Male
Still at high school
France, Toulouse
Joined on 2/23/23